You've probably heard the story of the rude Parisian (which is what a native of Paris is usually referred to), or the waiter with his nose up in the air, resenting every moment you sit in his restaurant. Of course you can find these people, not just in Paris but in every city in the world, but this urban legend about Paris is mostly the invention of Hollywood and people misunderstanding French culture.
Unlike many other cultures, the French do not automatically smile at strangers. Not having your smile returned to you on the street or in a place of business is not uncommon, and usually no rudeness is meant. This does not mean you shouldn't smile (or not, depending on what you are comfortable with).
Taking the time to learn just a few key phrases in French is also important. The French are proud of their language, and while many of them speak English it's considered polite (and rude not to) to open any conversation with Bonjour (Hello). Most Parisiens will recognize from your accent that you are a tourist and happily switch over to English at this time. See the Useful French Phrases section for more phrases that will help during your vacation.